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Dell Vostro V130 Notebook Mobile Broadband Manager Application A06

Dell Vostro V130 Notebook Mobile Broadband Manager Application A06

Dell Vostro V130 Notebook Mobile Broadband Manager Application Publisher's Description

Fixes: This A06 (QS4.9) release addresses many of the issues that have been seen in the A03 (QS4.7) release: MBMTR00004200 Vista64, GPS Utility crash s3/resume auto-start GPS enabled MBMTR00004433 WM crashes, when some specific sim cards are used MBMTR00004284 Func: Usage statistics is not working after sleep MBMTR00004141 Based on document EnableGPS() API will trigger GPSStatusEvent and GPSModeChangedEvent MBMTR00004138 SaveSMS() API saves SMS with status as "SENT" MBMTR00004133 ConnectionStatisticsEvent is notifying continuously even if there is no connection MBMTR00004409 Check box for NW initiated SUPL does not work as expected MBMTR00004464 Duration is not reset after disconnect -> connect MBMTR00004465 Duration counter not increasing on "Connect automatically on Windows startup" MBMTR00004564 FUNC: Icons for GPS & SMS utilities are cut off in WM MBMTR00004565 Usage for last 7 days and current month not working correctly MBMTR00003954 Func: “Sim card not responding” when having “Connect automatically on Windows startup” selected. MBMTR00003998 Frequency band pop-up not translated MBMTR00004215 Func: Customized product text in system info doesn’t fit MBMTR00004242 Strange behavior when editing SMS which failed to send MBMTR00004260 Func: SMS utility crashes when using pin locked inactive SIM MBMTR00004306 Func: GPS autosensing option is visible when evgiri drivers are used MBMTR00004359 FUNC: WM branding issue during upgrade and unistallation MBMTR00004361 Limitation of 80 characters in To field when trying to send SMS to multiple recipients MBMTR00004384 GUI flaw in Italian GPS Utility MBMTR00004421 WM stated “No network found” when resume from S3 with manual network selected MBMTR00004441 Not translated (hardcoded?) text in GPS utility MBMTR00004450 Manual selection of profile changes to automatic after S3 MBMTR00004457 Resetting session usage increases overall history data MBMTR00004533 When an empty SMS is sent to Nokia mobile, it cannot be opened from the mobile MBMTR00004778 FUNC. Vista 64: WM crashes after a few s4

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